New year….but not a new you

The turn of the calendar can be a challenge for those going through the process of experiencing grief. For many, the new year is meant to bring a mindset of refresh and reset. Hard as we may try to renew our minds and bodies, the weight of grief can be difficult for many people in the new year.

There tends to be a mindset from people who are intent to honor the memory of their lost loved one with a renewed commitment to goals set forth when our loved ones were still with us. We at Spotlight Urns are not immune to the challenges of staying committed to processes and the chasing of goals that were initially set in motion when our lost loved ones were still with us. Our company and it’s products are one of those goals. Spotlight Urns was born out of an opportunity that came to us in 2019. We were excited to continue the legacy started by Innovative Urns and keep the goal of providing sports urns, unique urns, and overall something a little more personal in the largely traditional urn market.

During the time and process it took for us to bring our vision to the world, we experienced the global pandemic like everyone else. We did not always know what would eventually come for us in the way of making these urns available to the public and during that time our own family was affected by loss. It can be especially difficult to work to carry on those initial intentions after the loss of a loved one. Our focus is working to bring this vision to realization in the memory of our family that is no longer with us. We hope that our love of sports and our unique urn products will resonate with others as they have with us.

Finding something unique and different can sometimes be a challenge in today’s “cookie-cutter” world of mass-production. We’re hopeful that our line of sports urns and innovative designs will bring a joy to those looking for a creative way to honor the memory of their lost loved ones. Maybe the new year doesn’t bring a new you, but a new year can bring a renewed you to pursue the passions our loved ones supported along with us during their lives.

Celebrating the Passion: Sports Urns for Fans

Sports have the incredible power to unite people, creating a sense of community and shared enthusiasm. For many, the love for a particular sport becomes a lifelong passion, shaping their identity and leaving an indelible mark on their lives. As

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Cremation or Burial?

When it comes to funerals and burials, urns offer an affordable alternative to traditional burial. They are more durable and require less maintenance than a traditional burial plot. In addition, they provide the same level of dignity and respect for

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