Funeral Costs in the United States

The emotional cost of losing someone we love can’t be quantified and for those left to tend to the tasks associated with a loved one’s affairs, the challenges move beyond the toll on our emotional and social well-being. Costs associated with a loved one’s passing in the United States can be costly. For those who’ve passed unexpectedly, catching family and friends unprepared is an unfortunate effect of the process of planning for honoring the memory of a loved one. World Population Review estimates the average cost of a funeral in the United States a little more than $7,000 with some associated costs rising in parts of the country while still being quite costly, even at lower levels, in other areas.

These costs can include services, burial plots, cremation services, urns and urn-like pieces among other ancillary costs like potential travel and expenses associated with travel. Often, families are not fully prepared financially for the unexpected event of someone’s passing. Here is World Population Review’s data for the United States for what you can expect to pay on average for funeral services.

With uncertainty in the financial future, it is reasonable to expect these costs to increase. Planning for a future event can be difficult emotionally, but sometimes prudent as well. We hope to provide a reasonable option for families looking for a unique piece to secure the remains of their lost loved ones. Our products are designed with the modern and clean look of today’s world. Though we recognize there is a place for more historically traditional styles, we hope to provide a unique option for families to consider for the future protection of their loved one’s remains. The pride and thoughtfulness toward unique design we take when working to bring something new and different to the more traditional options of the urn industry is important to us as a way of taking mindful care toward your emotional well-being during the hardest of times in our lives when making preparations for the passing of a loved one. We hope to be available to you accordingly.